Cars!!! ahaha what a hassle!
I was driving home from school last night following a truck carrying a bunch of junk car parts, when it hit a bump tossing rubish all over the road. I swerved to miss a big chunk of something but hit it anyway. Flat tire damn! I pulled off the road to fix the flat and Inoticed my car was leaking antifreeze like crazy. So shes in the shop :( I wish I didn't have to drive so far to go to school I would just ride my bike everywhere.
On a good note I got in a good workout this morning working on some high end sprints. The legs are starting to feel good again which is good news for fall color festival. Also a heated comp age group battle is raging between me and Doug Bailey only 2 points are seperating us by my count so let the best man win. Its so exciting!!!
Also I majorly overhauled the NRS following this weekends race. I have never seen so mmuch mud in hidden little places, I put on a new chain, brake pads, rotors, ordered new bearings for the front wheel, new wires, and cleaned the rear deralliure what a mess!! I have yet to pull the bottom bracket and I am kind of afraid to, who knows what is lurking in there.
New music also yeah! I am currently checking out a new Hip Hop album, I was off Hip Hop for a while but have slowly been getting back into it. So the new album that I am digging in a big way is Mos Def The New Danger I like to ride to it makes me feel all gangsta word.
Check it out here
Kewaskum was awesome, what a great race. I really, really like racing in different conditions and this was one of the muddiest races I have ever done I had a blast. Neil Swanson was responsible for the rain if anyone wants to pit the blame, he was taunting weather forecasters all week by leaving the windows of his car open and saying "the weather people (politically correct blog here folks) know nothing its not going to rain". So we camped and it rained. Michaels Cycles had a great showing and I got third in my age yeah. That puts me and Doug Bailey into a heated battle for 2nd and 3rd. I can't wait to duke it out at sheboygan and see who can win it.
Back to the rain the NRS worked awesome and I only had chain suck a few times, I think that I owe that to the wonderful SRAM XO setup I love it. so enough about that heres some pictures.

Kewaskum was awesome, what a great race. I really, really like racing in different conditions and this was one of the muddiest races I have ever done I had a blast. Neil Swanson was responsible for the rain if anyone wants to pit the blame, he was taunting weather forecasters all week by leaving the windows of his car open and saying "the weather people (politically correct blog here folks) know nothing its not going to rain". So we camped and it rained. Michaels Cycles had a great showing and I got third in my age yeah. That puts me and Doug Bailey into a heated battle for 2nd and 3rd. I can't wait to duke it out at sheboygan and see who can win it.
Back to the rain the NRS worked awesome and I only had chain suck a few times, I think that I owe that to the wonderful SRAM XO setup I love it. so enough about that heres some pictures.

Their goes Neil.
Last Night I decided to go ride with the goup. It was a great night and I love night riding. There is just something about being out in the woods late at night excercising that is super refreshing.
The ride got off to a slow start and I was sitting in the group just itching to go, so I said psst. hey Neil how ya feeling to which he replied ok I guess. I don't really know what ok I guess means but I guess it meant I am going to drop you like a rock sucka. We took off and I led him out into some double track then neil took the lead and we stoked out a lap pretty fast. I was right on him coming into some rolling hills but he was able to really turn it up in the hills. I on the other hand am still struggling with how I am feeling on the bike. I hung on as long as I could then he decided to attack and I had no chance so I lost him. This put me out all by my lonesome so I cruised the park for a while by myself then caught up with the group and went out to the bar for some great Janesvegas slumming action. Always a good time.
So I am watching this show about spoiled sixteen year old kids. I wonder what their parents do because they definately are not raising their kids. These kids are spiled rotten and I would beat the living s out of them. If my kid ever calls me a dumb b.... after I just paid for a $180,000 birthday party for them they would never have another b-day. America is going to hell!
Last Night I decided to go ride with the goup. It was a great night and I love night riding. There is just something about being out in the woods late at night excercising that is super refreshing.
The ride got off to a slow start and I was sitting in the group just itching to go, so I said psst. hey Neil how ya feeling to which he replied ok I guess. I don't really know what ok I guess means but I guess it meant I am going to drop you like a rock sucka. We took off and I led him out into some double track then neil took the lead and we stoked out a lap pretty fast. I was right on him coming into some rolling hills but he was able to really turn it up in the hills. I on the other hand am still struggling with how I am feeling on the bike. I hung on as long as I could then he decided to attack and I had no chance so I lost him. This put me out all by my lonesome so I cruised the park for a while by myself then caught up with the group and went out to the bar for some great Janesvegas slumming action. Always a good time.
So I am watching this show about spoiled sixteen year old kids. I wonder what their parents do because they definately are not raising their kids. These kids are spiled rotten and I would beat the living s out of them. If my kid ever calls me a dumb b.... after I just paid for a $180,000 birthday party for them they would never have another b-day. America is going to hell!

Went for an hour long ride last night with some good sprint work. I haven't really been healthy in probably a week and a half, I have this awful lingering cold yuck!! So for quite a while now real intesity rides have been out of the question. The sprints I did last night felt terrible until the last one I did then something fianlly clicked and I felt good.
While out on the ride I saw quite an interesting group of people, now I am not really sure who goes to marksmanship competitions but I think I saw the most hicks gathered in one area I have ever seen. I even think I saw this guy!!! I think he is Neils long lost brother.
On that note Neil grew up on a farm far far away from the local blockbuster, so I have made it my mission in life to introduce him to the essential movies. So I am taking a poll what are your favorite movies? let me know that is if anyone reads this blog yet. Also any MTB racers out their who is racing what on the 1st, Blue mounds, Fall Color Fest, Blockhouse, Skinny Drunk bar crawl ohh the descisions.
Ahh the world of bloggin. I guess it is about time I jump into the nerdy world of letting others hear about what I am doing (as if you care) so hello blog world. So what is my blog going to be about. Well everything I want to talk about (cue evil laugh). So Biking, Technology, Music, and how much I hate those ugly yard decorations old people seem to love, really who wants a million spinning sunflowers in their yard. So with that I say welcome to my blog.